A. Income Generating Activities
B. Mind transformation Training
C. Children’s Rights Awareness Campaigns in target Communities
D. Vegetable gardening and Farming project for the Women.
E. Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child labour through
withdrawing, rehabilitation, integration, and Empowerment.
F. Helping Children with Disability
G. HIV/AIDS awareness Campaigns.
H. Community mobilization/sensation.
I. Community free treatments/community developments
J. Monitoring & Documenting Human rights.
K. Involved in the withdrawing of street kids, transforming and integrating them back into their communities.
Husambae community Based Organization teams are a great component for service delivery to our beneficiaries. Other than being volunteers to the Husambae ministry, the teams have funded and helped in building homes (shelter), water harvesting and sanitation for needy WEEP mothers and their children.
They have also supported the WEEP mothers in Nyakach and Kano within Kisumu County with house rent when they are newly enrolled in the centers during the stabilization phase.
Husambae teams have also supported in the education of the children of the WEEP the mothers thereby contributing in the success of the Next generation and this has been successfully through the very capable leadership of Michael Joseph Bole as the Director of Husambae Community Based Organization
The Kids for School (KFS) Project is an arm of HEART’s Women Equality Empowerment Project (WEEP), aimed at keeping the children of the WEEP mothers in school. In addition to supporting children of WEEP mothers, we also support education in a remote Maasai Village called Oldonyonyokie in Kajiado County.
HEART has supported the Vickie Nosim Winkler Dormitory a girls’ dormitory ‘with a bed capacity of 64. HEART also takes care of upkeep cost for the girls in the dorm who are at risk of female genital mutilation and forced marriage. This dormitory provides a safe environment for the girls to access education.
The Kids for School Project is based on 3 pillars:
School fees payment: Keeping needy children in school through the provision of school fees.
Improving the learning environment: through the provision of school supplies like school uniforms, desks, chairs, tables, water tanks, mosquito nets and exam preparation kits for the schools.
Mentorship: we provide life skills training to our beneficiaries to make them all-rounded individuals. Some of the key issues addressed during mentorship sessions include decision making, sexuality education, character & leadership career choice and academic excellence.
Husambae Community Based Organization and our partners volunteers are empowering women infected with HIV/AIDS and their vulnerable households through Women Equality Empowerment Project (WEEP), which offers comprehensive health and home-based care, nutrition support through provision of food and nutritional supplements, business skills trainings, protection, shelter, psychosocial support and education support for their children. This is a three-phase intervention program that takes 12 to 24 months.
Through health and wellness initiatives, Husambae together with our partners offers a comprehensive health package that includes Prevention, Creation of awareness and Curative services.
This is achieved by collaboration and partnership with Government and private health facilities to conduct medical assessments and screening services facilitate referrals and follow-up of the sick WEEP mothers and children.
Awareness creation:
Health education on disease prevention, nutrition and adherence is a key component of awareness creation.
Curative services:
Husambae Community Based Organization pays National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) a Kenya government state corporation with a mandate to provide health insurance to Kenyans over the age of 18. Medical bills which exceed the NHIF limits for the WEEP mothers and children are paid for by Husambae Community Based Organization. In addition, Husambae provides nutrition supplements, food support, and shelter to the WEEP mothers and their children and also by sharing spiritual guidance and moral support through discipleship programs.
Food security remains an integral component of the IGA projects. Husambae Community Based Organization implements a sustainable income and food-producing project model of providing chickens and 4 story houses to the WEEP mothers and their households. The WEEP mothers are given 2 improved local chicken, chicken feeds, chicken veterinary drugs, chicken coops, chicken feeders and drinkers to start the project in their homes.
The improved chicken has good laying ability, is disease resistant, faster growing and is large in size than ordinary chicken. This makes the chicken them more sustainable compared to rearing ordinary local chicken, thus improving food security all year round for the WEEP mothers and children/dependents.
The WEEP mothers and children are consuming eggs for protein and also use the manure to grow vegetables. The mothers are provided with vegetable seeds such as carrots, spinach, kale, black night, green Amaranthus for important minerals and vitamins.
Besides, they are selling surplus eggs and vegetables to generate an income to meet other family needs. With this, the mothers are not only enhancing their food security but economic well-being as well.
Business training for WEEP mothers
WEEP mothers undergo business training which entails developing a business plan which she will implement in her business. The mothers have various businesses such as dressmaking, selling cereals, vegetables, milk as well as chicken breeding among many others that they run.
Savings and Internal Lending Communities
Besides running a business, the WEEP mothers are trained on how to save and borrow through their Savings and Internal Lending Communities which are registered groups run and led by the WEEP mothers. They save through this platform and borrow to expand their business. Husambae Community Based Organization supports the groups with a startup capital upon the graduation of each of the WEEP groups.
Leadership and governance
The WEEP mothers are trained on leadership and governance and we have WEEP mothers who are leading the WEEP centers as WEEP center coordinators and many are peer educators in the community.
Helping girls stay in school by providing sanitary towels
According to statistics conducted in 2017, many girls lose 4 to 5 days of school every month during menstruation; this is approximately 38 days of learning each year. That’s a lot of school missed! If not for this project’s assistance, thousands of these girls would be absent from school due to lack of protection during their monthly cycle.
Freedom for Girls is a sanitary towel project that was initiated in 2008 by the National Government of Kenya and other partner organizations in Kenya In 2008, the Ministry of Health came in as the implementing partner. Our objective is to ensure vulnerable adolescent school-going girls are provided with a year’s supply of sanitary towels.
The package includes: 12 packets of Sanitary Towels non-renewable to last a whole year, 4 pairs of underwear (this enhances personal hygiene and complementary use of sanitary towels) and a health information manual (that contains answers to frequently asked questions by teenage girls: what is monthly cycle what helps with good hygiene
In early 2020, 3560 girls have benefitted from this project since 2008 in various counties of Kenya namely, Homabay, Kisumu and Siaya with this assistance, girls have remained in school for a whole year, thus reducing absenteeism, improving academic performance and personal hygiene. This project has been made possible by the contributions of various voluntary support and partners.
Michael Joseph Bole – Director Husambae-Kenya
Micah Magajia- Nyanza reproductive health society Kenya
Dr. Sebastian Juma Hayombe – Medical Doctor Kenya
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