Husambae Community Based Organization Accomplishments
Through the generous support of our partners and donors, HEART is making a huge, lasting impact in the nation of Kenya.

Orphan Prevention and Self-Sustainability Projects

645 women and their 350 children have been served in served by Women Equality Empowerment Project (WEEP) an orphan prevention program providing women living with HIV/AIDS with health care, nutrition, shelter, education, protection, psychosocial support for them and their children, skills and business training to support their own children upon.

335 Mothers/Households are currently in the centers preparing for graduation in 2019.

10 women have purchased their own property.

180 women are active alumni in the project.

70 women are currently participating in the WEEP project in 3 Counties in Kenya namely, Kisumu, Homabay, Siaya

3650 Malaria prevention nets made by our WEEP participants and distributed by Husambae Community Based Organization and our well-wishers throughout 3 counties in Kenya namely, Kisumu, Homabay and Siaya, reaching over.

4255 children and pregnant mothers.

12 Community Development Organizations have been supported through HEART. 8 Community Based Organizations (CBOs), 1 CBO graduated to a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and 2 Self-Help Groups (SHG) through developing good governance, leadership, financial accountability, management and funding at the grass roots level in the 15 locations that Husambae Community Based Organization works. 2 CBO’s are led by WEEP Graduates! 

Generational Impact of Husambae Community Based Organization

2300 – Girls in School! Through the Freedom for Girl project a year’s supply of sanitary towels, under garments and an educational pamphlet are distributed in various public Schools throughout Kisumu, Homabay and Siaya counties in Kenya. They also receive health education training.

150 from the remote East Kano within Kisumu County have been educated because of the dorm that was built by the community and furnished by Husambae Community Based Organization. Husambae continues to support the girls with monthly upkeep where they are provided with care and protection to stay in school through 8th grade. Secondary education fees are paid for those that qualify to continue their education! 

In collaboration with volunteers Kisumu ,3200 Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) supported with Shelter, Nutrition, Health, Education, Protection and Psycho social support based on OVC service standards through Kids for School Project.

2100 OVC support in education they have been supported with school fees; most are children of women in the WEEP program. We have 2 graduates that are now medical doctors serving the nation of Kenya, 1 teacher and 13 others undergoing various courses about to graduate.

Over 1500 children in 1100 households reached with solar lamps through the Kids for School project in 3 Counties providing light for the children to study and light for the homes. This enhances education, health and provides the family with savings (no more kerosene) is used to charge cell phones as an income generating activity. 

Income Generating Activities

The Organization has trained 78 women and youths from 4 communities Kisumu county in Income Generating Activities. The organization has also empowered them by giving small grants to start some businesses in the form of loans.


The Farming Project for the Women is being done in the County of Kisumu under Husambae communities’ groups

Mind Transformation

This program is carried out in all Husambae catchment areas. This program helps in transforming the thinking altitude of people in the areas we work. These training have helped to mold the people in our catchment to be responsible citizens and participate in local Communities development efforts. It also shows the youths the significance of vision and bringing about success in life.

Child Labour Campaigns

This is an ongoing program, which will help the communities to eliminate the worst forms of Child labor. We have so far been able to carry out community sensitization. This has facilitated the formation of Community Anti – Child Labour Committee to monitor and oppose child labor.

HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaigns

This is an HIV/AIDS awareness-raising program targeted at the youths on the dangers of the pandemic and prevention measures. We have been involved in distributing condoms and HIV/AIDS related information to the youths. We have mainstreamed the HIV/AIDS activities in all our programs.

Children with Disability Programmes/Free Treatments for Under 0-12 Years

This is a Program that specifically looks at the children with a disability by helping them with money for physiotherapy, transport, medication, walking aids & toys.